Scientific Publications 2015
Vayanou, M., Katifori, V., Kourtis, V., Karvounis, M., Ioannidis, Y., Bomers, E., & de Jong, N. (2015). Interactive experiences in the Stedelijk Museum: a living lab experiment with the CHESS framework. In 2015 Digital Heritage (pp. 353–356). Granada, Spain: IEEE. http://doi.org/10.1109/DigitalHeritage.2015.7413900
Abstract: This paper reports on a small-scale experiment conducted in the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (SMA), showcasing the effective use of CHESS research prototype for the creation and provision of personalized interactive museum experiences and highlighting the main results reached.
Roussou, M., Pujol, L., Katifori, A., Chrysanthi, A., Perry, S., & Vayanou, M. (2015). The museum as digital storyteller: Collaborative participatory creation of interactive digital experiences. In MW2015: Museums and the Web 2015. Retrieved from http://mw2015.museumsandtheweb.com/paper/the-museum-as-digital-storyteller-collaborative-participatory-creation-of-interactive-digital-experiences
Abstract: Digital storytelling is one resource museums have in hand for enriching their offer to audiences and society at large. But how is the museum to author digital storytelling experiences that cater to various needs while maintaining scientific integrity? In this paper, we report on a series of experiences involving the creation of several interactive rich-media museum stories. These digital stories were authored by experts who collaborated in numerous intensive, hands-on participatory design workshops held at high-profile cultural sites: the Acropolis Museum in Greece, the archaeological site of Çatalhöyük in Turkey, and the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. We present the story-authoring methodology and discuss the lessons learned regarding collaborative authoring of museum stories. We conclude with the potential impact this authoring process may have at the institutional level.